WhatsApp Message Delete Undo Feature: Earlier, if you deleted a message on WhatsApp or accidentally did so, it couldn’t be recovered. But now, this has changed with a new update on WhatsApp. You can now undo deleted messages and bring them back. However, this needs to be done quickly because once the undo button disappears, you won’t be able to recover the message. To retrieve the message again, you need to have a backup of it, and only then can you restore the deleted message using that backup.
WhatsApp Massage Delete Undo Feature
If you delete a message, you can bring it back within a few seconds. This feature is going to be very useful. For instance, if you want to delete a message from everywhere but accidentally delete it only on your device, and the message is important, you may want to delete it from the other device as well. So, what can you do now? When you delete a message, you will see an undo button or popup for a few seconds. You just need to click on the undo button, and your message will be restored. Then, you can delete it from everywhere by selecting the “Delete For Everyone” option.
Whatsapp New Update
WhatsApp is a messaging app where you can also make video and audio calls, set status updates, and use it for marketing purposes. Earlier, if you accidentally sent a message to the wrong number on WhatsApp and clicked “Delete For Me” or the message got deleted by mistake, you couldn’t recover it or delete it from everyone’s phones. But with this new update, you’ll have a few seconds after deleting a message to recover it. You can undo the deleted message and bring it back before permanently deleting it from everyone’s devices.
Whatsapp New Update Benifits
With this update, you can avoid accidental message deletions on WhatsApp and recover deleted messages. For example, if I want to send my bank details to someone but mistakenly send them to the wrong person, and I realize it afterward, I can go to WhatsApp to delete the message. If I click “Delete For Me” by mistake, the message gets deleted from my phone. But now, I want to bring it back so I can click “Delete For Everyone” and delete it from the recipient’s phone as well. In this case, right after deleting the message, you will see an undo button. By clicking on it, you can restore the deleted message and proceed to delete it for everyone.
Learn More About WhatsApp Deleted Massage Recovery:
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